It has been quite humorous to have a mule with Sea access, but not sky. But the time finally came. After renewing my Campaign Medal (which has been inactive for months) and campaigning my way for a few hours, I decided that I would like to hit sky for a bit. I took Thor (on… Continue reading Tramontane hits sky
Category: General
A light weekend of ‘farming’
Some good time spent with the Buffalo A total of seven Buffalo Meat and four hides >.< At least it finished off a stack for me. And I did get a chance to completely re-write my THF macros. After a while I thought of using XP bands and getting some XP on NPC fellows (Got… Continue reading A light weekend of ‘farming’
Old screenshots
After a few re-formats and moves from one machine to another, I have lost most of my old-time screenshots. These two seem to stick around though. Unlocking SMN was one of my favorite things of all time A fun party leveling my WAR subjob (for my MNK main) in Tahrongi Canyon with some members… Continue reading Old screenshots