After getting Thor his new PLD coat, I decided to take my time getting Tram to finish the last mission BC. Basically, I would put up a /seacom and LFG flag then go about my regular activities. I would usually get one or two XP party /tells from those who neglected to read the comment next to the red (mission) dot next to my name on searches, but everyone was quite understanding when I replied {Thanks for the offer, but I have to pass} – {Stellar Fulcrum} {Mission} {fight} {Can I have it?}.
Sidenote: Maybe it is just his Taru-ness, but Tram seems to get some rather odd party invites. One /tell from a few nights ago is representative of the type I see on Tram (on the very rare times I take him out for any XP) – “{Experience points} {Do you need it?} 2 x Relic & Ridill WAR in pt”
Why do invites like this never come to Thor?
I was actually getting a tad sleepy late Saturday night / Sunday morning when a /tell came for the fight. A party 5/6 heading to the tower could use a WHM. I was just finishing a run of Maze Mongering and had all my supplies on me so was able to OP right over to Qufim.
It turns out, this was a group all in the same LS that I believe were planning on two runs, but as the night wore on and people needed to log, turned into a single party for the BC. Since Tram already had his Omnis Stone, I just helped escort the two in the team that needed to get their Seed Afterglow along with another who had already completed the BC and was along to help.
Party setup was PLD WHM WAR RNG NIN RDM/Drk. The plan was a standard slow-and-steady pace having the PLD running non-stop while the WAR and NIN took care of the spawns. Unfortunately, due to some communication issues, the RNG did not seem quite sure of his role. Took a bit longer than I would have hoped for him to start in on the mob and when he did, he would walk into they crystal’s AOE range. He ended up dying twice which was both a hassle and a blessing. It did hurt us quite a bit that our primary ranged DD was being reduced, but it did reduce any chance that the PLD would loose hate ^^.
I had a hard time trying to keep my MP up for the duration of the battle. I am glad I brought along the assortment of MP meds as I burned through them all. 4 Yag Drinks, 4-5 Ether, a Vile Elixir, and a Vile Elixir +1. I tend to keep an Elixir or two on me most times as an “Oshi!” button – very rare to go through them both in one fight.
Things went pretty smooth for the first 5 minutes or so and then there was a small rough spot.Nothing too horrible, but I was pleased to see it get back under control after a quick recovery.
Once we had it down below about 30%, we knew we were running short on time. We thought maybe a bit more than five minutes left. The WAR and NIN ran up to engage while the RNG was lucky enough to still have his 2hr available. Between the Do-Or-Die melee and an Eagle Eye Shot, it was done. I actually think I did alright for my rusty WHM-ness. At least everyone except the (double weakened) RNG and Tram had reasonable HP at the end. Of course I was below 100 MP and had my finger on the Bene-button…
It was an epic battle.